Svord Von Tempsky Ranger Bowie Knife Review. Or STOP THE HAMMERING!

Published: 6 years ago

The Svord Von Tempsky Bowie Knife was named and modeled after a dead dudes famous side piece. The internet is full of stories about the exploits of Dr. Gustvas Von Tempsky the VIII, DDS, MD, Esq- and this one attempts to tell it again. I hammer the holy crud out of the knife, cuss some, and offer my thoughts on what I think I want out of a big ass knife. I don't think I come to a conclusion- but this channel is a journey- a road trip if you will. Except the doors are locked, and the car is headed toward a brick wall. To support the channel buy some stuff from my Amazon links:
Von Tempsky Ranger:
Man Sized Von Tempsky:

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