Helle GT and Harding Knife Review and Comparison. Plus pronuncation apologies.

Published: 6 years ago

Helle is one of the most popular knife makers in Norway, and in this review I discuss my feelings & opinions on the GT and Harding knives. I muse about batoning with them, and worry about scratching their beautiful mirror finish. You can survive with them, hunt with them, wish with them, and do some light bushcrafting. I even start a fire with a ferro rod, and a Leatherman multitool. In this review you'll see other popular knives with the light bushcrafting crowd, like the: Mora Kansbol, the Companion, the Vangedal Rover, and Spyderco Puukko. If you like either one of these knives buy them through my links below to support this channel.
Harding: https://amzn.to/2IKGnb7
GT: https://amzn.to/2C5ufAc
Lots of Helle Fixed Blades on BladeHQ: http://shrsl.com/17n9x
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