Spyderco Para 3 Lightweight Review. With comparisons to Benchmade Bugout & Para 3

Published: 5 years ago

This year Spyderco has updated it's popular Para 3 knife by adding a LT or lightweight variation to the line- to the delight of Para 3 collectors probably. In this short video I examine if the Para 3 lightweight warrants an upgrade or a downgrade and compare it to other similar knives in Spyderco's and Benchmade's lineup. You'll see channel favorites like the Benchmade Bugout, the Wharncliffe Delica, the Para 3 BladeHQ sprint run- and also hear how awful my voice sounds when I'm sick. Also forgive me for calling Outpost 76, "outpost 87" one time- let's blame it on the sickness.
Para 3 variations at bladeHQ: http://shrsl.com/1qnwq
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