1k giveaway draw
Published: 4 years ago
Hiya Gang!!
We have a winner!!
If that winner is you, please follow the instructions below:
You have 48hrs from the time this video posts to email me at atherapeuticedge@gmail.com
Send me your shipping address and I'll send you the package!
Thank you all for playing, and watching!!
Now, on to 1500!
If I don't hear from the winner in 48hrs, or the winner does not have a US based address, a new winner will drawn.
We have a winner!!
If that winner is you, please follow the instructions below:
You have 48hrs from the time this video posts to email me at atherapeuticedge@gmail.com
Send me your shipping address and I'll send you the package!
Thank you all for playing, and watching!!
Now, on to 1500!
If I don't hear from the winner in 48hrs, or the winner does not have a US based address, a new winner will drawn.