Sunday Sharpenings: the 10-inch F.Dick Dickoron Dick Duo… let the puns begin!

Published: 4 months ago

YouTube censors: I left the tag on so you can see it’s the real name.

Now, the F.Dick Dickoron Dick Duo 10-inch (that’s a lot of Dicks!) is a combination of diamonds and ceramic in a single rod that is wider one way than the other and can take on any steel. You know someone in your family wants and needs a Dick Duo.

If the Sharpal Transforod isn’t enough innuendo for ya, there’s this.
The king of all rods.
The one you know your wife wants in her kitchen.
The long white rod that will save you work.
The one rod that fears no knife edge.

The 10-inch F.Dick Dickoron Dick Duo honing rod for all the hoe-ning you may need or want.

More Dicks than you thought possible in a single product, there’s at least 3 Dicks in the Dick Duo’s name, creating a multi-Dick paradox.

And if you’ve seen the movie “Ted”, you know the F. doesn’t stand for Friederich like the Germans say. Read between the lines sister!! ????????????

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