Collatz Conjecture. Sideways until the board. I think I got it.

Published: 3 years ago

I saw this on Veritasium the other day, and couldn’t stop thinking about it. If all the things I’ve read are true, and the function collapses when a natural power of 2 is formed, it will always search until it finds one. Oh yeah, I think I know why the negatives are “asymmetrical”.
Will someone PLEASE tell me where I’m wrong!! This points to eventual collapse and an ever-changing base with which to try.
I’m either just dumb enough to stumble onto this, or I’m too dumb to know where I’m wrong, or I’m just the right person at the right time to see it.
The second one is by far the most probable, the other two are far less likely. Can anyone tell me where it fails?

Oh yeah, I’m no videographer, so I talk sideways so you can see the board better later on in the video.