Skullaboration: My collab with Ekim Knives.

Published: 7 years ago

Stay tuned for work in progress pics at the end of the video.
Apologies in advance for all the gushing, but it really was very special to me to do this collab with Mike Stewart from Ekim Knives. He has become an invaluable asset to the knifemaking community and helped more people than he even knows. Getting the chance to grind on his knives was a great experience.

Also: "Skullaboration" was the name I came up with because both Mike and I use skulls on our maker's marks... yet neither of use actually used those logos on these knives. Whatever.

These knives, and the other two will be auctioned through my Instagram at jimskeltonknives soon

Be sure to follow Mike and let him know how awesome he is: Youtube Ekimknives
IG: ekimknives