Making an impossible knife by hand ( Slavik Tely's Jagdkommando)

Published: 5 years ago

And they said it couldn't be done. Ok... *I* said it probably couldn't be done. While discussing the crazy Mini Jagdkommando by Microtech Knives, I pondered if something so wild and crazy could be achieved by hand instead of CNC. I couldn't wrap my mind around how difficult it would be... but Slavik Tely took this as a challenge, and did one hell of a fine job. Please take a few minutes to watch his progress videos where he shows every major step in constructing this wild and crazy knife... all with basic shop tools, and a lot of hand work. I am so excited for him, and proud to see what he was able to accomplish.

Link to his channel:

Link to Part 1 of this build:

Link to Part 2 of this build:

Link to his Q&A about this build:

Link to my review of the Mini Jagdkommando which started all this craziness: