Why I switched from USCCA to FLP. And why you should consider it too

Published: 1 year ago

It’s easy to be lulled into a false sense of security by watching the ads by numerous self defense legal defense companies which in some cases will only hang you out to dry.

Realize that after lawfully and justifiably defending your life, you still have more devastating battles to fight which could leave you destitute, or even incarcerated if not handled properly. Can you afford the best legal representation available? Can you afford to pay for it up-front?

In this video, I discuss why I switched from being a member of USCCA to FLP (Firearms Legal Protection) and if you have the same concerns I had, then FLP might be a good option for you as well.

Click this link to get more info and to sign up: https://firearmslegal.com/?ref=776