Spyderco Sage 5 Lightweigt Maxamet & AWT Scales Review - Creating the Perfect EDC Knife!
Published: 6 days ago
This is my review and scale swap of the Spyderco Sage 5 Lightweight in Maxamet using the Applied Weapons Technologies AWT Aggressive Agent Series Aluminium Scales with topographic Pattern!
Check out AWT Scales here: https://appliedweaponstech.com/spyderco-sage-5-lightweight-scales-aggressive-agent-series-contoured-cerakote/
USE MY DISCOUNT / COUPON CODE: 7redi ON WHITEMOUNTAINKNIVES.COM FOR 10% OFF SITEWIDE! Whitemountainknives Website: http://whitemountainknives.com
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/7redi_knife_reviews/?hl=de
Check out AWT Scales here: https://appliedweaponstech.com/spyderco-sage-5-lightweight-scales-aggressive-agent-series-contoured-cerakote/
USE MY DISCOUNT / COUPON CODE: 7redi ON WHITEMOUNTAINKNIVES.COM FOR 10% OFF SITEWIDE! Whitemountainknives Website: http://whitemountainknives.com
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/7redi_knife_reviews/?hl=de