Spyderco Gayle Bradley 2 Review - Improved Design!

Published: 8 years ago

Recommened Retailer: http://www.ebay.com/sch/m.html?_odkw=&_sop=10&_ssn=whitemountainknives&_armrs=1&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313.TR11.TRC2.A0.H0.Xspyderco.TRS1&_nkw=spyderco&_sacat=0
This is my review and comparison of the new Spyderco Gayle Bradley 2. A nice full sized EDC and hard use folder with premium CPM M4 tool steel and carbonfiber G10 laminate scales this knife stirkes a nice balance between a elegance and toughness.