Knife Tales: Kensei Knives Media

Published: 3 years ago

Are you interested in martial arts? T.C. talks to Chris Rossman, our martial arts expert and knife designer about how he got involved in martial arts and knife design. We also take a look at his Kensei line of knives that he's designed, and his newest design, the Kensei Ashigaru.

Descriptions and links:

0:44 How Chris got into martial arts

1:43 How Chris got into knife design

3:34 An original design Karombi knife from Chris' martial arts idol

4:21 The Kensei Karombi

5:43 The Kensei Toranoha
7:36 Sword design

8:30 Chris Rossman's newest design the Kensei Ashigaru Straight Back Red and Black G-10