Revo Vipera XL Media

Published: 3 years ago

"The target when designing Vipera was to develop a highly functional knife that made as small a footprint as possible when carried. Vipera is small but highly functional edc tool you’ll want with you every day. the blade offers tactile feedback and grip by having jimping along the spine. The ergonomic vipera was designed to feel like a full size knife in hand with a minimalist footprint in the pocket.

The Vipera will suprise you in how much utility it offers in such a small package. The blade has a functional sweep and tip for everyday tasks. Unlike other compact knives, we kept the handles a little wider for maximum control and comfort. The pocket clip is removable as well for those who prefer to carry inside the pocket.

Deep pocket carry clip for low profile carry. So small you might forget it’s there. So useful you’ll remember why you brought it!"
Revo knives

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