Jack Wolf Knives Benny Media
Published: 5 months ago
Find them here: https://www.pvk.com/Jack-Wolf-Knives-The-Benny-Satin-Blade-Fat-Carbon-p/jwk-thebe-01-fc-arctic.htm
This Jack Wolf Knife has an aggressive hollow grind clip point, The frame is titanium with carbon inlays. Features tumbled back spacer and clip. Also Includes a replacement part should you choose to remove the pocket clip. These Knives also come with some fun goodies in the custom tube packaging.
This Jack Wolf Knife has an aggressive hollow grind clip point, The frame is titanium with carbon inlays. Features tumbled back spacer and clip. Also Includes a replacement part should you choose to remove the pocket clip. These Knives also come with some fun goodies in the custom tube packaging.