Glenn Waters Viper 120%, Carbidized M390, Anodized & Carbidized Titanium Scales Media

Published: 1 year ago

Glenn Waters Viper 120%, Carbidized M390, Anodized & Carbidized Titanium Scales

This custom Viper 120% is an absolutely gorgeous knife that is true artwork. This Viper features a carbidized and heat colored M390 blade. The handle scales are anodized and carbidized titanium. The backspacer is also anodized and carbidized titanium set up to take a lanyard. This knife also has Waters signature pivot (pivot tool included with knife) and thumbstuds, the hand fitment on this knife is truly that of a master knife maker with the touch of a classical jeweler. The pocket clip is custom milled and anodized/carbidized titanium.