3DK Riot Rountable about Inception, Testing and Design Part 1 Media
Published: 6 years ago
In this Rountable we sit down with Mike and Lori, owners of 3DK and Northern knives as well as Hunter (Shop hand), Doug(Precision Edge) and Dakota (Web Stuff). We all discuss how the Riot came into being, its influences and why its form has coalesced into its current form.
Check out some of the sweet pics and Options we currently have on the Riot: https://www.northernknives.com/online-store/3-Dog-Knife-c30367006
Also our Forum Knife Knews - Purpose built reviews and how to's on all things with an edge: https://www.northernknives.com/knifeknews
Check out some of the sweet pics and Options we currently have on the Riot: https://www.northernknives.com/online-store/3-Dog-Knife-c30367006
Also our Forum Knife Knews - Purpose built reviews and how to's on all things with an edge: https://www.northernknives.com/knifeknews