Teton Edge Santoku Review with Chef Jim Berman Media

Published: 4 years ago

Chef Jim Berman of World Central Kitchen on relief work at National Stadium in Washington D.C. reviews the Teton Edge Santoku knife by New West KnifeWorks.

Jim is cooking thousands of meals a day for food-insecure populations. To keep up with that critical output, Jim relies on his favorite workhorse tool, the American made Teton Edge Santoku by New West KnifeWorks.

"It dances across the cutting board," while being rugged and dependable. When Jim can trust his knife to stay sharp and provide durable precision cut after cut he can stay focused on the mission and operations at World Central Kitchen. Thanks Jim!

Learn more about the Teton Edge Santoku and other dependable American made knives at https://www.newwestknifeworks.com