The KnifeCenter 2019 Paper Catalog Now Available Media

Published: 6 years ago

The latest edition of the Knife Center printed catalog is here!
Click this link to get yours today:

With over 1,800 pages containing more than 700 brands, this book is the ultimate reference for all the greatest cutlery and accessories, offering thousands of products that haven’t even made it on to our website yet.

This is one of our favorite things we sell. You’ll get hours of enjoyment as you leaf through our sections on the hottest knife brands, including Spyderco, CRKT, Cold Steel, Zero Tolerance, Kershaw, and hundreds more. And there are more than just knives. From one piece multi-tools to sharpeners, camping and survival gear, shaving supplies, and more, it is all here in this definitive guide that no enthusiast should be without.

The best part about this catalog is the element of discovery. While shopping on the web is direct and efficient, it is often hard to stumble upon new and exciting things. With every turn of these pages, you’ll find awesome gear that you didn’t even know you wanted.

From Swiss Army Knives to machetes to kitchen gear, give us a call or visit our website for availability and the latest prices, which come in significantly lower than the full retail prices listed in the catalog.

You might be asking why an internet company like Knife Center wants you to have this paper catalog, but the answer is simple: these pages represent a knife industry bible and there is no other resource like it. Nowhere else will you find as many knives, accessories, and cool gear all collected into one, easy to read place.