Hidden Gems of the Knife World Media

Published: 2 years ago

When it comes to our best-selling knife roundups, certain names float to the top, but that crowds out other fantastic knives that are hiding right in plain sight! Check them out here: https://kcoti.com/3HCnaFo

These fixed blade and folding knives all have that little something that puts them over the top, whether it's great build quality, innovative design, or incredible value. That is why we are determined not to let these great models slip through the cracks.

Featured Knives
0:00 Great Knives Hiding in Plain Sight
0:56 Moki Kronos: https://kcoti.com/3Mq4hJJ
2:23 Old Bear Classical Medium: https://kcoti.com/3K4PFxh
4:11 Brisa (EnZo) Birk: https://kcoti.com/3tdPk4w
5:52 Kizer Vanguard Gemini and Justice: https://kcoti.com/3pu5KVb
8:32 Bestech Texel and Bobcat: https://kcoti.com/3vtRS17
10:59 Outdoor Edge Divide and Conquer: https://kcoti.com/3psHnaE
12:50 USA-Made Camillus Knives: https://kcoti.com/3Iv2KiW
14:48 Casstrom Sweden No.10: https://kcoti.com/3sHgSjT
16:21 Boker Arbolito Hunter: https://kcoti.com/36TxaO1
17:59 Kanetsune Kitchen Knives: https://kcoti.com/3vvnkfn

Interested in a Tek-Lok? Get them here: https://kcoti.com/34YqPM0

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