Microtech Makora II OTF Double Action Automatic Knife Media

Published: 10 years ago

Click Link http://www.eknives.com/?s=makora&post_type=product The Microtech Makora II OTF automatic is one of the largest double action OTF knives on the market. http://www.eknives.com The Makora 2 auto has a 5.75″ aluminum handle with Carbon Fiber inlay for a very custom appearance. It comes with integrated glass breaker and pocket clip (tip down) for everyday carry. The pocket clip comes etched with serial number, date of manufacture and Ant logo.

The Microtech Makora 2 has a 4.4″ double edge dagger style blade with a very slim design to match the Makora 2 handle. The blade is black finished with a standard double edge. 888.582.5905