EDC GIVEAWAY-- Spyderco Sage Media

Published: 13 years ago

See the winners! Watch this video:
That's right, you post a video response of your EDC knife, we'll put you in a drawing for a Spyderco Carbon Fiber Sage. We'll do the drawing on December 27th at high noon.

Just for fun, if we get more than 50 entries, we'll throw in a Fire Ant Red ESEE Izula for another lucky winner... tell your friends.

We shot this video on the fly one day, no planning, no scripting. We just ran around the shop and asked what everyone was carrying. We got a pretty good mix of knives, but it seemed like a lot of the BladeHQ Crew (and the UPS man) EDC Spydercos.

(Here's the legal bit for our drawing: It's open to anyone over the age of 18. We don't give knives to minors. The contest is open to internationals. Only one entry per person... don't be greedy, son).