Practice - Sharpening 8 Knives from Dull to Sharp Media

Published: 4 years ago

In this video Jake takes 8 REALLY dull knives and brings them back to a serviceable edge. Mostly - we're just hanging out and practicing sharpening. Limited cuts, most everything is shown but in fast motion. Took me about 2 hours to sharpen these knives. I mostly use our Rod sharpening system, but I also bring in the DMT guided alignment system, as well as a tungsten carbide V pull through sharpener, and a DMT extra coarse diamond stone. I do paper cut tests between the grits, after sharpening, and after stropping on my leather strop.

These were knives that were returns or employee knives that needed sharpening. Many of them had problems with handles, locks, or chips in the blade. In fact most of them had at least minor chips, the CRKT one had the worst I think. Someone was batoning with it I would guess, and broken the metal handle as well.

I think the camera angles exaggerate angles that might've been close to correct, but looking closely I think my left hand stroke on the rods is just a bit off center.

I try and give tips as I examine what's wrong with each knife and fix the edge of each. This has generated a lot of video ideas for me, but I want to know what other kind of content you want to see. Tutorials on particular sharpening devices? More like this where I take a knife and bring it back to life? Maybe in the future I'd only do one knife, but do a video on the sharpening as well as fixing screws, handles, pivot action, locking action, etc.