How to Sharpen A Knife With V-Rod Sharpeners For Beginners Media

Published: 4 years ago

Learn how to sharpen your knife at home with a V Sharpener. This beginner's guide will tell you everything you need to know about sharpening your kitchen or pocket knife on these abrasive rods. The Ceramic Sticks and Diamond sticks have preset angles so that your sharpen your knife at the right angle every time. It is quick and easy to set up, and gets you great results without removing tons of material. Pull Through Sharpeners generally remove WAY too much material - shortening (literally) the lifespan of your knife.

The A.G. Russell V-Sharpener is preset to 30 degrees total - 15 degrees each side of the knife.

Ceramic & Diamond Sharpening Rods:
Rust Eraser:
Field Sharpener:
Forged Italian Kitchen Knives:

Article: How to Use a V-Sharpener

Quick Correction: At 4:41 I say "don't wash your ceramic rods in the sink, it causes rust which kills your sharpening". That isn't necessarily true, if you do not have a Rust Eraser, you CAN use an abrasive powder cleaner, like Comet, to clean your ceramic rods. If you take that route, you DO need to THOROUGHLY dry the rods. Pat them down with some paper towels, and then let them further air dry before sticking them back inside the walnut base.