Gluing up the knife handle w/ Bob Dozier Handmade Knife Maker - Pt 4 Media

Published: 4 years ago

Part 4 of touring Bob Dozier's shop in Saint Paul, Arkansas. In this video Bob glues up the handle and puts everything together.

This knife will become a 2020 Dozier Classic Hunter - no longer available.

Part 1 - Shop Tour:
Part 2 - Grinding a Knife
Part 3 - Fitting & Soldering the Guard
Part 4 - Gluing up the Handle
Part 5 - Touring Bob's Leather Working Shop
Part 6 - Making a Leather Knife Sheath
Part 7 - Leather Care Tips
Part 8 - Bob's Man Cave Tour

Knives made directly by Bob Dozier in St. Paul Shop:

But Jake, where is the SHAPING of the handle??? Well... The videos weren't planned out very well. Bob knew I was coming to tour his shop, he did not know I was going to ask to film. In fact, I wasn't sure he would allow me to film (the knife community is generally very open and helpful, but there are a few trade secrets held close sometimes - for example, Bob's D2 heat treat recipe). When I arrived Bob was just finishing shaping the handle of the knife made the previous day. So you'll just have to use your imagination for that part.