“Truck Knives”: Folders to Leave in Your Car - The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 460) Media

Published: 1 year ago

On the mid-week supplemental episode of The Knife Junkie podcast (episode 460), Bob "The Knife Junkie" DeMarco looks at "truck knives," or folding knives to leave in your vehicle, including the Gerber Paraframe, QSP Penguin, and Camillus Dominator, among others.

Bob is also going to be at the Texas Custom Knife Show in Conroe, TX, this weekend, Nov. 4–5, and would love to meet you. Get more details on the show, and tickets, at https://texascustomknifeshow.com.

Bob starts the show with his favorite comment of the week, followed by his "pocket check" of knives: the CJRB Large Pyrite, the C. Risner Cutlery Lake Champlain Barlow, the T. Kell Knives Nightstalker, and the Kubey Royal (Emotional Support Knife). 

In Knife Life News:

• Peña X-Series Sicario Folding Fighter

• Super Cool Serge Knife Based on Coveted Custom

• Vosteed Builds Thunderbird Around Trek Lock

• GiantMouse Flipping Hunter Design

Meanwhile, in his "State of the Collection," Bob looks at the Kershaw Iridium and his new Ritter/ Hogue Auto RSK Mk1.

Find the list of all the knives shown in the show and links to the knife life news stories at https://theknifejunkie.com/460.

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Let us know what you thought about this episode and leave a rating and/or a review. Your feedback is appreciated. You can also call the listener line at 724-466-4487 or email bob@theknifejunkie.com with any comments, feedback, or suggestions, and let us know what you'd like to hear covered next week on The Knife Junkie Podcast Supplemental Edition.

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