Michael Janich, Spyderco Knives: The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 481) Media

Published: 1 year ago

Michael Janich, Close Combatives Instructor/Expert and Special Projects Coordinator for Spyderco, joins Bob "The Knife Junkie" DeMarco on Episode 481 of The Knife Junkie Podcast (https://theknifejunkie.com/481).

Janich has been studying and teaching self-defense and the martial arts for more than 40 years. He is one of the foremost modern authorities on handgun point shooting and is one of the few contemporary instructors to have been personally trained by close-combat legend Col. Rex Applegate.

He personally established Paladin Press’ Video Production Department in 1994 and ran all aspects of Paladin’s video production for 10 years, producing more than 100 instructional videos. Janich was also personally selected to work with the late Col. Applegate as the producer of his landmark instructional videos on handgun point shooting.

Janich is also a prolific knife designer who has designed production knives for Spyderco, Masters of Defense, BlackHawk Blades, Combat Elite, and Max Knives, and custom knives for several world-renowned makers.

Currently, Janich serves as the Special Projects Coordinator for the Spyderco knife company in Golden, Colorado, and, through his company, Martial Blade Concepts LLC, continues to offer state-of-the-art personal-defense training worldwide.

Find Michael Janich and Martial Blade Concepts online at https://www.martialbladeconcepts.com and on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/martialbladeconcepts. Find Spyderco online at https://www.spyderco.com.

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