Michael Grasso, Armis Knife and Tool: The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 569) Media
Published: 3 weeks ago
Michael Grasso of Armis Knife and Tool joins Bob "The Knife Junkie" DeMarco on Episode 569 of The Knife Junkie Podcast (https://theknifejunkie.com/569).
Michael Grasso started Armis Knife and Tool after he was injured on the job in 2020 as a 14-year career firefighter. Nothing in the Armis shop is automated or produced by CNC machines and nothing is made by overseas manufacturers.
Armis Knife and Tool is a small family business, with all products made completely by hand in their small shop by Michael. His wife, Jaclyn, runs the business side of AKT.
Armis Knife and Tool's offerings include the VSK1 and the Universal Paring Knife Sheath, which allows travelers to acquire cheap paring knives and carry them while at their destinations without having to travel with the knife.
The G10 Sharp-ie is the Armis Knife and Tool take on the Sharpie magic marker defensive awl.
Find Michael Grasso and Armis Knife and Tool online at https://armisknifeandtool.com, as well as on Facebook and on YouTube.
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