Dirk Pinkerton, Custom Knife Maker & Knife Designer: The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 549) Media

Published: 3 months ago

Custom knife maker and knife designer Dirk Pinkerton joins Bob "The Knife Junkie" DeMarco on Episode 549 of The Knife Junkie Podcast (https://theknifejunkie.com/549).

Dirk began making knives seriously in 2005 after a lifetime interest in knives. His design philosophy comes from observing his father’s knife usage. Dirk makes and designs straight-forward, purpose-driven knives.

Dirk’s experience in the private security world, training with LEOs and SWAT, gave him an understanding of how knives were looked upon as tools and weapons. He was mentored by Darrel Ralph, who taught him the strict discipline and the freedom of expression of knifemaking.

Aside from a thriving custom knife-making career, Pinkerton folder designs, as well as fixed, are in production with companies like Kizer, Kansept, Assymetric, and more. Under his own shingle, Dirk designs knives for manufacture by the world's top companies, two of which are favorites in the Knife Junkie’s collection.

Find Dirk Pinkerton online at https://www.pinkertonknives.com and on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/pinkerton_knives.

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