Volwest, Stati9n: The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 496) Media
Published: 10 months ago
Volwest from Stati9n joins Bob "The Knife Junkie" DeMarco on Episode 496 of The Knife Junkie Podcast (https://theknifejunkie.com/496).
Stati9n specializes in the development of unconventional tools and weapons for combatives and survival in austere environments and occupied zones.
Inspired by the secret British WW2 organization S.O.E. ("Special Operations Executive"), whose purpose was to conduct espionage, sabotage, and reconnaissance in Axis-occupied Europe and Southeast Asia.
Stati9n is also inspired by the weapons used by armies with limited resources during WW1, when butcher knives and other common household tools were modified for brutal trench warfare.
Famous French knife maker and close combat specialist, Fred Perrin, collaborated with Stati9n in creating the Number Five Scorpion, a curved, double-edged self-protection knife designed around Perrin's signature forefinger retention hole.
The company's offerings range from weapons for close quarters fighting to discreet but useful tools for minimalist urban and outback survival.
Though knives are Stati9n's specialty, they also make other defensive tools, like a knuckle duster inspired by Austro-Hungarian knuckles from WW1; a non-metallic push dagger made of G10; and faux chopsticks, also made of G10, to give the owner something robust and stabby in non-permissive environments.
Find Stati9n online at https://www.stati9n.com and on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/station_9_/
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