The Knife Junkie Podcast 500th Episode Special Edition Featuring Bob Terzuola, Michael Janich and Lynn Thompson Media
Published: 10 months ago
For the 500th episode of The Knife Junkie Podcast, Bob "The Knife Junkie" DeMarco pulls back the curtain and releases three never-before-heard interviews with knife world legends: Bob Terzuola, Michael Janich, and Lynn Thompson. These interviews were previously Knife Junkie Patron member-only content.
Bob Terzuola, "Godfather of the Tactical Folder," was featured on Episode 479 of The Knife Junkie Podcast ( Terzuola's most popular model is the ATCF (Advanced Technology Combat Folder), a linerlock folding knife. He also wrote the definitive book on making tactical folders called "The Tactical Folding Knife," which was most recently updated in 2019. He has collaborated with other knifemakers and production companies, including Spyderco, Strider Knives, WE/Civivi, Microtech Knives, and others.
Michael Janich, Close Combatives Instructor/Expert and Special Projects Coordinator for Spyderco, was the guest on Episode 481 of The Knife Junkie Podcast ( Janich has studied and taught self-defense and the martial arts for more than 40 years. He is one of the foremost modern authorities on handgun point shooting and is also a prolific knife designer who has designed production knives for Spyderco, Masters of Defense, BlackHawk Blades, Combat Elite, and Max Knives, and custom knives for several world-renowned makers.
Lynn Thompson, Cold Steel founder and former president, joined Bob on Episode 434 of The Knife Junkie Podcast ( In addition to being the founder and public-facing president of Cold Steel, he is a martial artist, hunter, survivalist, shooter, and master at arms. In 1980, Thompson founded Cold Steel with the mission to bring the “world’s strongest, sharpest knives” to market. After 40+ years of innovating in the edge weapons field, Thompson embarked on a new chapter, selling the company to GSM and carefully ensuring it was in good hands with Keith Beam.
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