Knife Freak Show Ep. 8 | Future Plans and Folder Mechanics Media
Published: 3 weeks ago
News: Blade Show Texas: March 7-8 Only 25 Days away!!!
Freak of the Week: Jakeb Ginsberg @jakebcreates
Main Topic: Future of our Businesses
Mechanics of Folding Knives
Questions: Do you both prefer the simplicity of making a fixed blade or the satisfaction of making a folder? - Have a Nice Day Knives
What goes into naming a knife? Gradual process or sudden epiphany? - @inhale_tide_pods
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Boatright Bladeworks Info:
@boatrightbladeworks on Instagram
Table 10K at Blade Show Texas
McNees Info:
@McneesKnives on YT and Instagram
Booth # 309 at Blade Show Texas