Episode 41 - Lucky Lucky - John Horrigan Media
Published: 11 months ago
John Horrigan is one of those men that makes you better by being in his presence. A true blue God fearing American, that holds his knife art in humble regards, but his reverence for the craft of knifemaking with great esteem. Maybe at first I thought John was unapproachable because of this, but he's one of the kindest and most thoughtful people out there, and really shines bright in our industry. It's not a wonder that he's won awards, achieved Master Smith with the ABS, is a member of The Knifemakers' Guild, or is generally acknowledged as one of the premier art knife makers of the industry. He screams excellence, but it comes from a very introspective and inventive place. John constantly challenges himself, and his encouragement and words of wisdom in this episode really is an inspiration for anyone trying to find their way around this big world we call knife making.
You can find John on Social Media such as Instagram and Facebook, and also find more out about him on his Website.