Episode 49 - Lifelong Toil & Breaking Knife Soil - Bruce Voyles Media

Published: 9 months ago

Lewis Carroll once wrote “One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others.” I can't imagine a more fitting way to identify what Bruce Voyles surely discovered at an early age. Sure, a life in knives and his passion for it has garnered him his own freedoms and success, but much like Carroll, Bruce has used his words and life energy to paint for us the most glorious picture of how the knife world could be, and through an immense work ethic, he's turned his imagination into reality. If you take the time to listen and really tie things together, you'll find that Bruce has been at the helm of a lot of the greatest contributions inside of knifemaking in the last 50 years. If you enjoy the world of knives we live in today, you get to hear it from one of the architects. As eloquent and prolific as Bruce is in written word, I pale, and pay homage. But I hope you all get to know him as I know him now, and hear an incredible story of his life journey within knives, along with the titans that helped to build it.

You can find Bruce's auctions on his Website, find his writing in Knife Magazine, and also read his recently published novels on Amazon under Vengeance Creek, The Carolyn Factor: A Max Kugar Thriller, and Storyville Sirens: A Novel of New Orleans

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