Episode 2 Media

Published: 7 years ago

Episode 2: The Lords of Steel Disclaimer: All statements regarding the character of individuals or corporations are intended as satire and not statements of fact. Knife Nuts Drinking Game: Take a drink every time one of us says "allegedly". Finish your drink during Brian's clone rant. News: Marfione lawsuits, Spyderco warranty change, ZT heat treat controversy Main topic: Why knives? What is it about knives that has gotten us so invested in this hobby? Wingding of the week: Chris Williams, custom knife maker from South Carolina, for rebranding $15  Gonzo Knives and selling them for $150 - https://www.williamsknife.com/ and http://www.bladeforums.com/threads/chris-williams-knife-tried-to-rip-me-off-for-5-150.1488172/ References: Fat swordsman - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG7sUjrI-zO6NGRbzhmeURQ and http://www.cc.com/video-clips/1ftvtl/tosh-0-web-redemption---fat-bottle-ninja Redwall - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redwall Carcass' "Surgical Steel" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHSKliEgy6E&list=PLAs9-sxStbSrsDZ6MRTgpBCYGZ3viUVN1