Episode 3 Media

Published: 7 years ago

Episode 3: Revenge of the Smiths

Joining us today is Elliot and Chris from Ferrum Forge. We get insight about the origin of their company, how they tackle the Maker's Choice variants, their new Massdrop collaboration, and some answers for nagging questions like why they use the pivots they do.

You can find the Ferrum Forge guys at http://www.ferrumforge.com/ or on IG as "ferrumforgekw"

News: Everyday Commentary vs. Marfione lawsuit settled, Top Quality Knives closes

Wingding of the week: Chris Williams, knifemaker from South Carolina (again), for totally losing his mind - http://www.bladeforums.com/threads/chris-williams-knife-tried-to-rip-me-off-for-5-150.1488172/page-12-17141074

References: H.R. Giger - http://www.hrgiger.com/

Disclaimer: All statements regarding the character of individuals or corporations are intended as satire and not statements of fact.