Episode 56 Media

Published: 3 years ago

Episode 56: Hawkward ft. Grant & Gavin Hawk of Hawk Designs

In tonight's episode, we are joined by Grant & Gavin Hawk of Hawk Designs, the legendary father-son duo who has for two decades been at the forefront of innovation in folding knives. It has been eight(!) years since BladeHQ made their excellent documentary/shop tour about the pair (which you can view here), and a lot has changed. If you were shocked at how rustic their shop was in 2012, in 2021 it is beginning to resemble the science fiction image you might have had in your head.

We review their backstory with Grant, including some truly fantastic anecdotes about Reevus Christ himself, and then talk about the future of Hawk Design, which means full in-house production of the runaway success that is the Deadlock.

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