Ansø of Denmark Ansø of Denmark

Today is Launch Day, and the many folders and cool accessories that I’ve been working on for the last three months will be released in 4 hours!

This is a first-come, first-served sale, so be prepared! Here are a few tips:

Watch and Decide At 6:00 pm Central European Time (12:00 noon New York Time), you’ll be able to view all the products available on the website. Pick your favorite(s) and get ready.

Click and Buy The sale will officially begin at 8:00 pm Central European Time (2:00 pm New York Time), so be sure to have your favorites lined up and ready to go as soon as they become available.

Pro Tip I recommend having the specific product page open and refreshing it often. If you’re already signed into my webshop, it will speed up the checkout process.

Be Patient Please note that adding the "buy now" buttons is a manual process, so it may take a few minutes before each product is online and ready for purchase. Your patience is appreciated.

— But Not Too Patient Please remember that even if an item is in your shopping cart, it's not yours until it’s paid for. Others may still be able to add it to their cart, even if there’s only one available. That said, the last Launch15 went smoothly, and I welcome any feedback to improve the experience.

Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to seeing you at this month's Launch15!

February: Launch 15
February: Launch 15
February: Launch 15
February: Launch 15
February: Launch 15
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