The Problem with Nitrogen Knife Steels Media

Published: 2 years ago

I don't get very many "major" surprised in steel testing but this was one of them. You can read an article covering the same material along with the references used in the video here:

00:00 Intro
00:25 Heat Treatments
00:52 Vancron composition
01:13 Vancron microstructure
01:21 CATRA Edge Wear
01:41 Uddeholm's Ratings
01:58 Adhesive Wear
02:32 Abrasive Wear
03:04 LC200N and Vanax
03:49 Vanadium Nitrides
04:19 Vancron Toughness
05:39 Toughness-Edge Retention Balance
06:06 Vancron Corrosion Resistance
06:32 Video on Nitrogen stainless steels?
06:52 Patreon plug
07:07 Safety Message