Z-Tuff and CD - The Toughest Knife Steels? Media

Published: 2 years ago

New experiments on heat treating of Z-Tuff and CD, and a discussion of the properties of these steels and how they compare.

Written version of this information: https://wp.me/p9J9w4-1PE
Knife Engineering book about steel, heat treating, and geometry: https://knifesteelnerds.com/2020/07/22/new-book-knife-engineering-steel-heat-treating-and-geometry/

00:00 Intro
00:33 Z-Tuff vs CD
01:09 History and Composition
03:07 Microstructure
03:36 Heat Treating
05:01 Toughness comparison
05:35 CATRA edge retention
06:10 Corrosion Resistance
08:31 Summary
08:50 Patreon Thank You