How to Forge Stainless for Performance Media

Published: 7 months ago

We tested how to best forge and anneal stainless knife steels AEB-L and MagnaCut. It's time for bladesmiths to declare independence from carbon steel. You can still visit carbon steel, just don't pay it your taxes.

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Written version of this information:

00:00 Introduction
00:29 Should stainless steel be forged?
03:26 What is a high alloy steel?
04:44 What temperature to forge stainless
07:19 Don't normalize stainless
08:05 Annealing - Goals and Difficulties
10:49 AEB-L
13:03 What happens during annealing
14:34 Hold time and cooling rate
15:00 Slow cool annealing
17:11 Isothermal hold annealing and grain refining
19:57 Temper annealing
24:20 Which annealing type was best?
24:59 Annealing MagnaCut
27:01 Selecting an annealing temperature
30:00 Final hardness vs anneal
30:36 Final toughness vs anneal and stock removal
31:51 Summary about annealing high alloy steels