Wehr Knives

I am the founder of Wehr Knives. I am from a small town in Alabama. I am married to my best friend, Shelby Wehrwein. We have 3 dogs, Allie, Luke, and Lucy. All my knife models are named after them. They have several nicknames, so I have several choices for knife model names!
I’ve always had knives, but they were all cheap. I really started getting into them when I was introduced into the EDC community, May of 2017. I started a small collection from winning raffles. I started my Instagram account, @edc.alabama, and it went down hill from there.
I modify and tinker with just about everything I’m interested in like, motorcycles, jeeps, guns, etc. I’ve always liked doing things myself. So when I started collecting, I started customizing my own knives. I kept doing it just for the fun of it. Over time, people started asking me to modify their knife. It become a way to fund a larger collection and allowed me to start collecting customs. I modified knives as a service for well over a year. I was tired of modifying knives. I wanted to go bigger. I wanted to make folders. I purchased all my tooling and equipment from modifying knives. My wife and I never used money from our day jobs to fund any machinery for knife making. I had a lot of help from some great guys in the knife community! In August of 2018, I started my first frame lock folding knife.
I made my first knife (fixed blade) in May of 2018 with hand files and a jig I made with 2×4’s. I made 4 fixed blades before I started trying to make folders. My intentions were to make folders, so I wanted to spend all my time with learning how to make a frame lock. In April 2019, I was finally happy enough with my work to sell a frame lock. That is when the #1 Nugget and #1 Lukas were made! Fast forward to August 1st, 2020, my first day as a full time employee of Wehr Knives.
I love making knives, creating something from nothing. I am so grateful for the opportunity to do this full time. I have the best support in the community and cannot thank you all enough. Thank you for truly make my dreams come true every single day.
Matthew Wehrwein
I’ve always had knives, but they were all cheap. I really started getting into them when I was introduced into the EDC community, May of 2017. I started a small collection from winning raffles. I started my Instagram account, @edc.alabama, and it went down hill from there.
I modify and tinker with just about everything I’m interested in like, motorcycles, jeeps, guns, etc. I’ve always liked doing things myself. So when I started collecting, I started customizing my own knives. I kept doing it just for the fun of it. Over time, people started asking me to modify their knife. It become a way to fund a larger collection and allowed me to start collecting customs. I modified knives as a service for well over a year. I was tired of modifying knives. I wanted to go bigger. I wanted to make folders. I purchased all my tooling and equipment from modifying knives. My wife and I never used money from our day jobs to fund any machinery for knife making. I had a lot of help from some great guys in the knife community! In August of 2018, I started my first frame lock folding knife.
I made my first knife (fixed blade) in May of 2018 with hand files and a jig I made with 2×4’s. I made 4 fixed blades before I started trying to make folders. My intentions were to make folders, so I wanted to spend all my time with learning how to make a frame lock. In April 2019, I was finally happy enough with my work to sell a frame lock. That is when the #1 Nugget and #1 Lukas were made! Fast forward to August 1st, 2020, my first day as a full time employee of Wehr Knives.
I love making knives, creating something from nothing. I am so grateful for the opportunity to do this full time. I have the best support in the community and cannot thank you all enough. Thank you for truly make my dreams come true every single day.
Matthew Wehrwein