TOPS Knives shows off the FIEL! Media

Published: 8 years ago

Fiel – Spanish for “Faithful” or “Accurate”. This knife is aptly named. It’s a double-edged, hideaway fixed blade that makes a great last resort tool, tactical blade, and a serious EDC. Because of its small size and comfortable, contoured handle, it is easy to wield. That makes for precise slashing, slicing, and stabbing cuts. There are generous finger guards and jimping on the flat of each side of the blade to give a solid grip for safety.

The sheath was engineered to work well as a neck knife with a secure lock up on the blade, but is also compatible with Tek-Lok for those that would prefer to wear it on their belts. The Fiel is small enough and slim enough to make it an excellent concealed carry option. It’s perfect for military, Law enforcement, and guys who want a good urban defense option. It’s also attractive and useful enough to make a great EDC knife. The Fiel will not let you down.