Published: 3 years ago

DISCLAIMER: This knife is primarily for use by military, law enforcement, and executive protection specialists. It is incumbent upon the purchaser to be over 18 years of age and to check with local law enforcement personnel regarding legalities of double-edged weapons in his/her area. THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.

Colin Despins and TOPS Knives are proud to introduce the Official Knife of Mobius Training Solutions.

In early 2011, during an unseasonably cold week in Lamesa Texas, a group of men gathered for a week long course in the method of Combat/Tactical Man Tracking led by Clent Schoonover, Director of the MTS Advanced Tactics Division. Clent Schoonover is a former CIA Officer/GRS Agent and DHS FLETC Lead Instructor. However, during the course of training, Despins learned that Clent was highly proficient at the craft of hand-to-hand combat and is an edged weapons enthusiast. Long sessions of training each day flowed into intense discussions each evening and the discussions turned form talk of theory into hard contact hand-to-hand combat sessions. Despins was impressed and gifted Schoonover with one of his Back Bite knives. Clent became so fond of the Back Bite, that he became a great promoter of it to the Law Enforcement and Military persons that he trains.

Despins drafted an article in regards to his experience in Combat/Tactical Man Tracking with Mobius Training Solutions that would later be published in the July 2012 Issue of SWAT Magazine. His experience with Clent's distinctly Southeast Asian edged weapons method, inspired Despins to explore designing a knife that would both facilitate the method, and be suitable for the purpose of field craft. When Despins introduced Schoonover to the design, he was instantly sold. Clent offered to make it the official knife of Mobius Training Solutions and to lend his company logo to it.

HKT is an acronym for Hunter Killer Tracker. The acronym is borrowed, with all due respect, from the Military acronym for Hunter Killer Teams. Mobius Training Solutions has trained Military and Law Enforcement personnel in tactical applications of many kinds, from basic to advanced handgun and carbine and more, but the real specialty of Mobius Training Solutions is training Hunter Killer Trackers.

The HKT is as recognizable as the design craft of Colin Despins as are the hackles on a Rhodesian Ridgeback

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