SOG Baton Q3 Multi-Tool Media

Published: 7 years ago

Baton is a family of multi-tools that provides the functionality of real quality tools while fitting the lifestyle and aesthetics of modern users. Though all are designed for everyday carry, each one is for a different purpose and user. In slim and innovative form factors, the Batons are about the same dimensions as the common ink marker and fit easily in a pocket, bag, or backpack. The sleek, minimalist design opens up to reveal a variety of useful tools. Each Baton's toolset accommodates separate users: office & administrative work, urban emergency, basic wilderness & urban essentials, and advanced wilderness & urban essentials.

Designed to endure, the Baton Q3 will get you out of a wide array of tough situations. Based on the classic multi-tool, it fulfills your basic essentials for wilderness and urban adventure and has what you need before you know you need it.