SOG Baton Q1 Multi-Tool Media

Published: 7 years ago

Baton is a family of multi-tools that provides the functionality of real quality tools while fitting the lifestyle and aesthetics of modern users. Though all are designed for everyday carry, each one is for a different purpose and user. In slim and innovative form factors, the Batons are about the same dimensions as the common ink marker and fit easily in a pocket, bag, or backpack. The sleek, minimalist design opens up to reveal a variety of useful tools. Each Baton's toolset accommodates separate users: office & administrative work, urban emergency, basic wilderness & urban essentials, and advanced wilderness & urban essentials. Methodical and careful, the Baton Q1 ensures everyday basics are accounted for. Its tool arsenal is aimed toward tackling office and administrative tasks.

This trusty tool is not only travel-friendly, it is also always ready to capture every plan, detail, and idea. The Q1 comes with a pressurized ballpoint pen cartridge with a fine point and blue ink. This is replaceable with any D1 pen refill.