RoseCraft Designer Hawkins Rose Media

Published: 2 years ago

Hawkins Rose has been around the knife industry since he was an infant and fell in love with knives from a very early age. When Hawkins was a young boy, he sat with his father in a meeting with some knife manufacturers. As the story goes, he wasn’t shy about choosing knives from the sample table that he thought would do very well in the market. The manufacturers were so impressed by his choices and reasoning, they called him a natural and said he should come back to their facility and help them out.

These days, Hawkins feels most at home working with and riding horses on the farm, and his knife designs reflect hard work and his hands-on approach to the world. He makes his debut as a knife designer with the launch of RoseCraft blades, and his ideas and love of knives are evident in the design of the MOHOK, the Little Chonk and the Adjuta.