RoseCraft Blades: Andy and Swaggs talk Clinch River Swayback Media

Published: 2 years ago - Andy and Swaggs talk about the RCT005 Clinch River Swayback. It's on its way right now, so get signed up to be notified as soon as it's in stock. They also give you a sneak peek of the Zambezi, a slipjoint that will appear as a Round 2 release from RoseCraft Blades.

The RoseCraft Blades Clinch River Swayback is based on the popular traditional Swayback pattern but offers a finger choil that is cut partly from the blade and partly from the bolster. This one-bladed slip joint features a 3.125” Wharncliffe blade with a half stop and a brushed satin finish. The covers are Bourbon Bone with steel liners, nickel silver pins, a nickel silver Rosebud Shield, and brushed steel bolsters. It’s 4” closed and 7.125” fully open. Designed by Andy Armstrong.

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