Marttiini Knives – Created by Arctic Evolution Media

Published: 6 years ago

It all began in 1928 in the land of dark Arctic winters and the midnight sun, when blacksmith Janne Marttiini decided to establish a knife factory to Rovaniemi.

With the user in mind, he began to create beautiful, high quality knives to be used in the harshest conditions imaginable.

But don’t let the knife’s beauty fool you. The moment you put one to the test, you will be convinced it is the perfect tool for your need. You will feel the sensation of natural materials like leather, curly birch, reindeer antler, and of course the ultra sharp blade always made from finest steel.

Today Marttiini knives are a combination of generations of craftsmanship and modern technology, creating knives that are not only sharp, but also perfectly represent the beauty and toughness of the North. They’re called “puukko” – the Nordic knife.