KRUDO Knives Pocket Knife Maintenance Media

Published: 8 years ago

Pocket knife Maintenance

Just like any other tool , routine maintenance on your pocket knife is an integral part for good long lasting performance.

Apart from sharpening and the occasional oil in the pivot area, cleaning the lint that your pocket knife collects, while riding in your pocket, is the also important.

Lint, if l left unchecked, can collect at each end of the stop pin guide that is cut into the blade around the pivot.

As one opens and closes the blade, lint will start accumulating and compacting at each end the stop pin guide.

To prevent this, follow the video instructions.

If, for some reason, you did not remember to perform your routine maintenance on your pocket knife and you do not have a positive blade or call the knife company.
They should be a able to instruct you on how to clean it or send it back for clean up.

Stay Safe and Keep KICKing Gluteus Maximus!!!