How to Close a Pocket Knife | Lock Types Media

Published: 2 years ago

Learn to close any type of pocket knife. Seriously, there's nothing quite like loaning someone your folding knife, then having it returned in the open position. Uh... thanks? This video is for those people. It's a quick education to help you and your amigos close the most common knives around. Enjoy.

Want to learn more about pocket knives? Buy our knife poster here:

Looking for a solid pocket knife that won't break the bank? Check out the Knafs Lander:

Supplies to maintain your pocket knife:

Liner Lock -- 00:16
Frame Lock -- 00:43
Back Lock -- 01:12
Slip Joint -- 01:44
Button Lock -- 02:17
Automatic Knife (Switchblade) -- 2:40
Crossbar Lock-- 03:22
Compression Lock -- 03:45
OTF/Butterfly/Etc. - 07:30